Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just for starters, here's a pic of Andy in the RV sporting his lounging ensemble.

A few days before we left, we had an honest to Buddha cattle drive through the front yard - complete with dogs and doggies and cowboys doing real cowboy hootin' and hollerin'!

It was pretty exciting!

As we made our way home from La Veta to Carp, we had a blowout on the RV on I25 just south of the armpit of Raton, N.M. - about an hour out from La Veta. OnStar was useless. They were going to send someone from Albuquerque, which is at least 2+ hours away. It was a little nerve racking as the traffic passed and we we're parked on the shoulder of the highway. The speed limit is 75 mph and you just KNOW people are going the limit...NOT! I'm in the truck calling for assistance hoping nobody will be texting as they pass...
Thankfully, our friend Dalton is a mechanic. We dialed him up and he gave us names of mechanics in Trinidad, CO which is only 30 min. away. We got our tire changed and were on our way again.
Get a-long little Homans!
that's all i got for now. lvoe, k

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