Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm Baaa-ack......

My friend emailed me the pictures of Halloween in La Veta. Let's see if I can remember back that far. There was a Halloween party at the La Veta Inn.

This is me dressed as a cloud...notice the spray bottle strategically held in the non-beer holding hand (the white thing). People would ask what I was and I'd say "cloudy with a chance of sprinkles" then let 'em have a blast in the face! Most people had a sense of humor...most people...

Then you have Doug and Lisa dressed as "Boo-Bees"; quite creative! Yes, that's Andy with a beard in the background.

This is Wayne. He won best costume.

Andy went as Andy and wasn't going to stay long.

Then he got a load of Wayne and asked him to dance. He stayed 'til the very end. He wanted to walk him home....

But then he saw CJ and wanted to find out if her udders were real....

that's all i got for now. lvoe, k

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