Sunday, May 17, 2009

MoFo's Day & Waffles' Birthday

Casey was here for 3 days and celebrated MoFo's Day and Waffy's birthday.
Being a proud mother, dragged him around town to meet friends and view the sites. It took all of 11 minutes.
La Veta Liquor where we bought beer, potato vodka, and gin. Hmmm.....maybe too much information...
Post Office


Charlie's Grocery Store

Celebrating Waffy's birthdog with Hans & Heather, Casey, & Andy at The Dog Bar in Cuchara.
For the remaining 71 hours and 49 minutes, Casey tried not to let on that things were a little slow for him.

Casey & Beez pretending to be at a cat show.
Watching Waffles dig a hole.
That's all i got. lvoek

Travelin' Fools

May 3, 2009

On the road with all the animals; the largest and least managable animal was driving, of course.

Are we there yet?

Window seat, please.

Yeah! Roll out the catnip! We finally made it!
that's all i got for now. lvoek

Saturday, May 16, 2009

You Have Survived a Night of 1000 Trains

We spent our first night in Seligman (accent on the LIG), AZ located on historic Route 66.

It's actually a pretty neat little place with great people and good food!
A lot of long trains go through the town every minute or so...
We stayed at a camp-
ground that actually gave key chains stating
"You Have Survived a Night of 1000 Trains".

Just ask Miles.

That's all I got for now. lvoek

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


We arrived safely in La Veta this sunny, warm, perfect afternoon. No sooner do we get settled when we hear of a fire in Santa Barbara! This is the 3rd fire to break out in SB when we have been docked in LV. My CA friends are suspicious..... On a serious side, my friends, Tom & Steph, have been manditorily evacuated for the 2nd time in 6 months. Please keep them in your thoughts.

We met up with our La Veta friends at Sammie's Diner for beers and "good to have you back in town, Tonto"s. It's like we never left!

The cats are doing their best to adjust. I think Miles has altitude issues, but he'll come around.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have my act together enough to post photos.

That's I'll I got for now. lvoe,k

Monday, May 4, 2009

Las Vegas

We're in Las Vegas and I put the whole nest egg on black 24. Lost my ass & my husband. So it was worth it. HA!
OK, I'm kidding. We're not in that Las Vegas. We're in New Mexico-o-o. Miles the Cat didn't do as well today; I think he was car sick, but he didn't hurl. I let him loose in the truck and he settled down after a bit.
We should make La Veta in 4 hours tomorrow, which is great since this 9 hour a day stuff is wearing and my allergies are out of control. Buy stock in Kleenex now!!!

That's all I got for now. Pretty boring. I'll improve with sleep. lvoe, k

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Tonight we find ourselves in Seligman, AZ. along Route 66. It was a 9 hour drive with 2 cats and a dog. Tricia & Brian adopted the bird, therefore we're not so Noah's Ark-ish. Cats did better than I could have ever imagined and there were no drugs involved (and if the vet had prescribed sedatives, you can bet I wouldn't have wasted them on the animals!!).
I'm too freakin' tired to post pics; didn't get to bed until after 2 am last night and got up to wake the roosters....i hate packing.
Soooooo......check in for the latest. And Happy BDay to Becky tomorrow! Go Dodgers & Lakers & Nuggets & Rockies!!! I'm having a problem with duality.
That's all I got for now. Lvoe, k