Thursday, September 25, 2008

Half Ass Update

Things are coming along pretty well. I've been trolling the yard for nails with a magnet roller and evening out the grading. It was 80 degrees today and I have an inch of dust stuck to the sweat on my skin. Maybe I won't shower just to see how macho I am. Maybe not. I can't display pics yet because my laptop is still in the hospital; in the meantime I'm using Andy's laptop.

The house is really becoming cozy. We have the propane hooked up again so the heater is working. Andy put up the ceiling in the porch and entry and some drywall in the entry. It really changes the feel of things. I love our little's a very, very, very fine house....I have 2 cats but they're in Carp and not allowed in the yard of late because of coyotes. Think of it as a skip or scratch in the record.

The Celtic Music Festival is this weekend. Not too sure what that's all about, but, who cares?
Another excuse to celebrate and drink Irish beer.

Oktoberfest is the following weekend. All everyone talks about right now is Oktoberfest. It's the equivalent of Fiesta. I won't be here because I'm off to CA on Tuesday. Andy will have to eat a bratwurst (sp) for me.

So, that's all I got for now. Lvoe, k

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Calgon Take Me Away

It's been a long week or so.

It's taken a week and a half to insulate the entire house by myself, and today finally finished everything but the window and door casings. I itch like a mofo.

We weather proofed around the parameter of the house so we can grade next week, and in the process, weather proofed the parameter of myself. I'm covered with roofing tar. Eventually it will come off and I will no longer look like a pinto horse.

Tricia called from the Carp house, said the dishwasher is "stuck" on the dry cycle. Apparently it's been "stuck" since I left Carp on Aug. 30. I don't remember leaving with it on, so it must have been "stuck" while I was there. That's 3 weeks plus on "stuck". Andy talked her through turning off the breaker. I'll probably be looking for a new dishwasher. Better than coming home to charred remains.

I crashed the hard drive on my laptop. Don't download Service Pack 3. I'm using Andy's laptop now and he's on me like a C drive Nazi telling me not to download a bunch of stuff that would clutter up his computer and make it run slow or crash. Makes me want to download Service Pack 3.

Therefore, I don't have my Quicken program and I've overdrawn on, not one, but 3 accounts!!! I think I discovered the errors before disaster struck. Oy.

Andy lost his credit card 2 days ago. The card is connected to other accounts for auto-pay. To notify each account and wait for a new card is a muy pain in the ass. I found the card today after scouring the RV, truck, and house.

It was in the shirt pocket I had asked him to check when we discovered it missing. He insisted he didn't put it in there and so didn't look.

Thank god for Newcastle Brown Ale.

How was your week?

That's all I got. Lvoe, k

Friday, September 5, 2008

I love yoou, man!!!

Andy and I just got back from the La Veta Inn and happy hour cocktails. The gang was there with lots of laughs all around. You can't be thin skinned in these parts or you'll never survive socially or physically.

Waffy had a bath yesterday; her first since May and boy-o-boy did she ever need it!! She came home all fluffy and smelling pretty. I threw her ball for her and when she got good and warm she plopped herself down in the middle of a mud puddle left over from the rainstorm of the night before. Oy. Today she somehow ripped off a toenail chasing her ball and bled forever. Geez. Kids.

High school football has started in La Veta. The stadium is just to the east of us, but the cheering is loud and clear and sounds like fun. They take their football serious, like in Carp. I just can't see sitting in 40 degree weather in October unless my kid is playing. Oh, and for you Carp Warriors, the La Veta team mascot name is Redskins. Hmmm. Don't tell the Carp school board.

And speaking of weather, it turned fall on September 1. The light and shadows changed with the temperature, seemingly overnight. I can't tell you how beautiful it is.
The west Spanish Peak got a light dusting of snow and the temp in the early morning is in the 40's.

Is anyone else besides Becky, Nate, Casey, and myself watching the Dodgers and Manny being Manny? I love that guy.

I love this town.

That's all I got for now. Lvoe, k