We're all snuggled in.
Thanksgiving was great. We had a deep fried turkey this year which was delicious! Our friend, Sid, is the designated Town Fryer and has been known to fry up to 15 turkeys on Thanksgiving. He has 3 fryers going at once. Drop off your turkey and pick it up an hour later with a case of Miller Lite. Not a bad deal!
Casey was here for a week and our friends, Hans & Heather came for dinner. Hans introduced Andy to single malt scotch. Andy liked it a lot.
A LOT! He got a little wound up after dinner and decided we should go Thanksgiving carolling at all our friends homes. But who knows any Thanksgiving carols? So we went and just annoyed everyone. We first went to CJ & Wayne's. They said they were happy we stopped by but I think they were just being polite. CJ poured herself a Screwdriver in order to come down to our level but no sooner did she drink maybe 2 sips, our party Andymal decided it was time to move onto the next unsuspecting household. CJ & Wayne opted not to join us; a very wise decision on their part. At Mike & Steph's Andy really put on a show. He was the life of the party. At one point I saw Steph hiding the lampshades! I had to hide under the table from embarrassment. He wasn't rude or insulting. He was funny and having a great time and had everyone in tears from laughing. No, he wasn't a gnarly drunk. He was a very happy drunk. If one were to measure it on "The Happy Drunk" meter, he would have gotten a 10, which is awarded by staying in bed all the next day with a helluva headache. That's my man!!
That's all i got. lvoek
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