Saturday, September 20, 2008

Calgon Take Me Away

It's been a long week or so.

It's taken a week and a half to insulate the entire house by myself, and today finally finished everything but the window and door casings. I itch like a mofo.

We weather proofed around the parameter of the house so we can grade next week, and in the process, weather proofed the parameter of myself. I'm covered with roofing tar. Eventually it will come off and I will no longer look like a pinto horse.

Tricia called from the Carp house, said the dishwasher is "stuck" on the dry cycle. Apparently it's been "stuck" since I left Carp on Aug. 30. I don't remember leaving with it on, so it must have been "stuck" while I was there. That's 3 weeks plus on "stuck". Andy talked her through turning off the breaker. I'll probably be looking for a new dishwasher. Better than coming home to charred remains.

I crashed the hard drive on my laptop. Don't download Service Pack 3. I'm using Andy's laptop now and he's on me like a C drive Nazi telling me not to download a bunch of stuff that would clutter up his computer and make it run slow or crash. Makes me want to download Service Pack 3.

Therefore, I don't have my Quicken program and I've overdrawn on, not one, but 3 accounts!!! I think I discovered the errors before disaster struck. Oy.

Andy lost his credit card 2 days ago. The card is connected to other accounts for auto-pay. To notify each account and wait for a new card is a muy pain in the ass. I found the card today after scouring the RV, truck, and house.

It was in the shirt pocket I had asked him to check when we discovered it missing. He insisted he didn't put it in there and so didn't look.

Thank god for Newcastle Brown Ale.

How was your week?

That's all I got. Lvoe, k

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