Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another day, another dogger

You can take the girl out of the city but you can't take the consumer out of the girl. I need a little zip to get up and down the ladder. Sometimes it's a little too zippy and I'm in and out of the bathroom. I know I know....too much information.

Andy went for a massage today. The contractor who's helping us is married to a masseuse (sp) so what a great combo - hold the mayo!

Today is my friend Thuy's birthday. She requested some more pics of The Blond One, so I will honor her birthday wishes.

This is Thuy with Waffles. She's Waffles' best friend. They would run off with each other in a second if it weren't for the house arrest ankle bracelet I've had to attach to Waffy for just that reason!

Waffles used this disguise last time she tried to leave with Thuy. She had changed her name to Dog E Dogg. It was that sly brown eye that gave her away. Never make eye contact when you're on the lam.

that's all i got for now. lvoe, k

1 comment:

thuy said...

yay! happy birthday to me! thank you for the pictures, karen!