Friday, June 27, 2008
Jumpin' Around
You'll notice the chimney stack was a little 3 feet too high. And the fireplace itself wasn't centered properly. The guys came back yesterday and fixed it.
The stack looks much better now. But at the time, Andy was jumping around like he had a fire in his pants. He doesn't mult-task with a good attitude and that day there were a dozen things calling for his attention.
Even Waffles tries to be invisible when he gets excited.
I've become a volunteer firefighter for the La Veta Fire Department. I got to drive the brush truck (known as B-11) and work the pump and hose to water trees in town!! I might get my gear tonight at training! I get 2 for structural fires and one for wildland fires. I hope they don't make my butt look big.
There are little bugs called "no-see-ums" (I call 'em Little Bastards) which are actually midges (no, not the Barbie and Skipper kind) that bite/sting while you're working in the yard. You don't know it until later when the welts show up like a mosquito bite but the itch more and longer. They're my daddy. They own me. Since you "no-can-see-'ems" you don't know they're around having a buffet on your dime. Or ankles, shins, arms, scalp.
I'm still ripping siding and Andy has become a master window framer. Our windows have been ordered and should arrive end of July or early August. Now that IS exciting!
And the porch has been framed to some extent. These elevations are of the same side of the house and in order of construction. The odd pictures are of the model elevations Andy built before we started construction.
That's all i got for now. Lvoe,k
P.S. if you scroll down a ways, there's a place to click on to leave comments.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Another day, another dogger
Andy went for a massage today. The contractor who's helping us is married to a masseuse (sp) so what a great combo - hold the mayo!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Catching Up
On Tues. the 3rd I got two separate hematomas. One on my thumb by doing nothing but lifting a small plastic veggie bin. A few hours later, another one on my index finger on the opposite hand by opening the car door. They weren't bruises..they were full blown hema's. And believe me, after the Great Boob Blowout, I know a hema from a bruise!!
That night, or should I say early Wednesday morning (2:00 am) I awoke to another fake heart attack. Off to emergency and overnight for observation. The hospital is a part of the Veteran's Home in Walsenburg, about 15 miles away. The hospital itself consists of 10 rooms and is staffed by 2 nurses around the clock. The same nurses also work ER at the same time they're administering to patients in beds. There were only 3 patients in the hospital, including me. Southern Colorado health care verges on the scary. But the diagnosis was the same as in SB. Just a spasm in the artery and IT'S NOT DANGEROUS, CASEY!!! The doctors said the hematoma's weren't related and don't know what caused them. But it's not a problem anymore, as at this point my whole body would be one giant hematoma from working on the house.